Our Services

Process & System Review

Before starting a technology transformation initiative, it is highly beneficial to review the existing business / operations / customer processes as well as the associated technology landscape. Our expert team will do this for you to arrive at the best technology road-map that will realize the management goals, be it to transform processes, change customer experience, launch new products, cut cost, sell more, reduce turn-around-time, or any other parameter that technology can make happen.

Technology Implementation

Our experienced Consultants can guide or lead the entire technology implementation journey for you. It starts with converting a business problem or opportunity into a Technology Solution plan and then go-through the various structured stages of implementation such as the right Solution selection, Budgeting, Design, Testing, Go-live and so on.

Program & Project Management

Most technology implementations go ashtray either due to wrong choice of Solution or due to poor Program management. Our Expert team can develop all-encompassing, practicable, effective Program plans and governance structures that will make most complex Technology implementations achievable within budget, time and with desired quality.

Tech Strategy Consulting

Vline InfoTech Leaders are strong strategists who can help Organizations to translate their business strategy and goals into best fitted technology strategies. Be it understanding the technology possibilities or choosing the right solutions or re-aligning technology organization structure or changing customer experience or simply looking to use technology better, we can bring you strategy in a meaningful, implementable, structured manner for a rapid transformation.

Project-specific Resourcing

Vline can provide with the right-skilled resources for specific implementations which can fast-track the organization's technology journey. Presence or absence of right skilled resources can be the difference between success or failure of an technology initiative. The best of the Technology solutions can end-up being wrongly implemented, under-implemented or worse, the implementation can drag-on beyond time and cost budget if right resources are not part of the project. We can provide you with the right team or expert for any specific area of a project.

Training & Development

Vline Consultants can re-energize an Organization's technology team by equipping them with upgraded knowledge, tools and methodologies. Be it the right steps to implement technology, right approach to testing, right project management methods, or about technology trends in specific domain area, we cover a wide-array of training and development programs tailor-made for an organization's need.


Let's write your story, together.

We do not tell you our story. We write it together. Working with us means a seat at the table where you will be heard.

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