Banking > Payment

Cheque Truncation Solution

GallantCTS Cheque Truncation Solution is a web-based solution having capabilities of imaging cheques to reduce time taken for clearing of cheques. It converts physical cheque into high dimension images to make it easy for the Clearing House to eliminate the cumbersome process of physical presentation of cheques.

An enterprise level payment presentment and settlement platform for a multi-location, multi-branch banking organization.


  • Complete Web enabled, User Friendly & Supports Multi-Grid
  • Freedom for Processing – Centralized/ De-Centralized/ hybrid
  • Ease of batch processing
  • Compatible with wide range of Cheque Scanners
  • Platform Independent
  • OCR & IQA Auto-checking
  • Support for Ultraviolet (UV) image viewing
  • Common User Management & Data grouping
  • Dynamic Views (Full/snippet)
  • Parallel processing
  • API and File based Integration with Various CBS
  • Dashboards & Reports
  • Audit Logs for financial and non-financial transactions
  • Positive Payment System enabled Solution
  • Easy Archival & Instant retrieval

GallantACH Coming Soon
Automated Clearing House Solution

NPCI implemented a web-based solution to enable direct debit and direct credit transactions across businesses and consumers, while eluding the high priced credit card payment networks and processing fee of paper-based cheques. NACH helps in direct saving of transaction fees ensuing profits for the stakeholders involved. It is mainly used for making high volume, low value debit/credit transactions that are recurring in nature. It supports two types of transactions one is Direct Credit and other is Direct Debit.


  • Supports multiple payment types
  • Scan/Generate and verify Mandates
  • Secured and encrypted communication across the network
  • Use of CTS Cheque scanners for mandate form capture, enabling infrastructure sharing for Optimal resource usage
  • E-mandate processing management including transaction mandate validation prior to automated financial Processing
  • APBS processing with CBS

Optical Character Recognition Engine

GallantOCR Engine – To enable reading of constrained hand printed MICR E13B digits. GallantOCR engine trained to accurately recognize instances of highly variable patterns like hand print by exposing them to a multitude of examples of printed characters.

GallantOCR, reports individual character position, size and confidence and can automatically break merged characters or merge broken characters. Disable recognition of specific characters or reject low confidence characters or lines and auto-rotate documents to the correct orientation.


  • Reading of E13 MICR font
  • Eliminating Manual Processes
  • Verification of data
  • Improved Accuracy
  • Increased Productivity
  • Decreased Operation Cost

GallantPPS App
Positive Pay System

PPS is a platform for the member Banks and their customer (Corporate, Retail and individual) for notifying or uploading the details of the cheques issued


  • Customers after issuance of cheques will provide the detail of the instruments issued to their banks. The issued cheque details of customer will be collected by banks through various modes like internet banking, SMS banking, Whatsapp Banking, ATM, mobile APP etc.
  • On collecting the details, member banks to prepare and push the details in NPCI defined format to clearing house through their DEM or CHI.
  • Data will be updated in the PPS database and response will be shared to bank for the uploaded file.
  • An identifier will be provided as part of inward file (PXF file) on the matching status of instrument data with PPS data.
  • Based on the flag, banks can validate the inward received and on need basis get confirmations from the customer on the issuance of the instruments before processing.
  • An API based web application to automate Positive Pay System.
  • Cheque issuance details from various modes like Net Banking, Mobile Banking or bank's CBS etc shall be received via API service.
  • Positive Pay Repository shall generate NPCI compliant CPP file and transfer the same to a predefined location.
  • Res service will read the response from the local path where NPCI CPP Response is made available.
  • Update the same in the Positive Pay System.

GallantMobileCTS Coming Soon
Mobile based CTS Outward Clearing

GallantMobileCTS – Cheque deposit extends the convenience and cost savings of remote/ low volume branches. Solution architecture architecture is unique as it can be deployed either in-house or hosted on cloud. With the easy app, users can login securely and remotely. The built in camera in the mobile device does the work of capturing the image of the cheque.

The application uses a compression algorithm to optimize image size for faster processing.


  • Enables cheque deposit anytime from anywhere
  • Removes the requirement to use PC and Cheque scanner
  • Presentment in same day clearing and accelerate funds availability
  • Easy accessible data and images
  • Benefit of low transaction cost
  • Available on both Capex & Opex models
  • Login App with Valid Credential
  • Remote Capture of frontend and rare view
  • IQA Validation
  • Auto reading of MICR integrated OCR engine
  • Securely transfer data to centralized server
  • End to End encryption
  • No data & images storage on gallery
  • History


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