Finance > Payment

Cheque Collection, Reconciliation & Settlement Solution

A complete Solution to Corporate Sectors, which will ease Collection of Cheque Payments. It will also help corporate for management of Cheques images in CTS clearing standards set by RBI/NPCI, easy presentation with Presenting Bank associated with each corporate branch, easy Presentment & Return Reconciliation and Settlement with Presenting Banks and easy image and data retrieval for historical cheque images as and when required.

GallantCCRS Solution is a web-based solution having capabilities of imaging cheques to reduce time taken for clearing of cheques. It converts physical cheque into high dimension images to make it easy for the Clearing House to eliminate the cumbersome process of physical presentation of cheques.

An enterprise level payment collection, presentment, Reconciliation and settlement platform for a multi-location, multi-branch or Corporate level organization.


There are following application modules, which will be provided as part of solution offering for easy control, monitoring, processing, presentment, Recon & Settlement of Premium Cheques.

  • Complete Web enabled, User Friendly & Supports Multi-Grid
  • Platform Independent
  • Easy integration with capture API and IQA checking
  • Centralized user Access Management & Data Grouping
  • Verification Module (Optional)
  • Export File Generation module – Presenting Bank wise
  • Presentment Module – Presenting Bank Wise
  • Auto Reconsilation and Settlement module with auto-reconciliation – Presenting Bank wise
  • Master Maintenance
  • Return / Extension Export File Module – Core system
  • Dashboards & Reports
  • Reports – Presentment, Reconciliation & Settlement
  • API Services – Core System & Presenting Bank Wise
  • Easy Archival & Retrieval


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